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6 generatii de Golf GTI pe soseaua de curse !

Cu toate ca video-ul nu e foarte lung, el iti ofera o privire de ansamblu asupra avansarilor dea lungul anilor.

Categorie: Stiri Auto | Adăugat de: Xpress (2011-12-27)
Vizualizări: 708 | Comentarii: 1 | Tag-uri: golf, cursa, GTI, sase generatii | Rating: 0.0/0

Total comentarii : 1
1 Serghej  
This is what I was wondering the Auto-Tune doesn't aaeppr to actually do anything to the strings themselves; if I were to play it with the amp volume low, I'd hear the evil blend of out-of-tune strings with the pitch-corrected strings. Also, I wanna see someone truly shred on this Peavey has never been my guitar brand of choice.

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